Our guide George Maina recently came across a Landrover with a large cheetah sitting on its roof. This is not that unusual. A vehicle will stop to observe a cheetah in the grass and the animal will take advantage of the arrival of such an excellent vantage point to jump up and have a good look around, hopeful of spotting something near enough to hunt.
This cheetah is doing just that, sitting up towards the rear of the vehicle and looking around. The woman in the vehicle decides to poke her head out in order to take a great close-up photo. You can see her and her camera just peeking out of the viewing hatch towards the front.
Unfortunately for her the cheetah hears her camera and turns to look at her.
Intrigued and what he’s glimpsed – a head with eyes disappearing, he walks cautiously over to investigate.
Reaching the hatch he sniffs the air, searching for scents that will either warn him of danger or betray the fact that there is a meal down there.
Something catches his attention as he stoops down for a closer inspection of the inside of the vehicle.
After a few, long seconds, especially for the lady down below, he straightened back up and jumped over the hatch, settling on the drivers cab for a rest and giving the lady a spectacular close-up of a wild cheetah just a couple of feet above her.