Try our weekly quiz about Africa to discover whether you have the memory of an elephant or a warthog. The answers are at the bottom of the page. Good luck.
1. Why are the nests of Indigobirds never found?
a. Because they lay their eggs on the ground
b. Because their young eat the nest as part of their diet.
c. Because they lay their eggs in the nests of waxbills.
2. During which months is the Great Wildebeest Migration in the Masai Mara?
a. April to June
b. November to February
c. July to October
3. What is the collective noun for a group of leopards?
a. A pride
b. A leap
c. A sleuth
4. What is the only large animal to leave a three-toed footprint?
a. A hippo
b. An elephant
c. A rhino
5. What is a mature male gorilla known as?
a. A thumper
b. A silverback
c. Sir.
1. c
2. c
3. b
4. c
5. b
Your score:
4-5: Safari guide. You should be out there leading the trips.
3: Safari enthusiast. You must really love those David Attenborough documentaries.
1-2: Safari guide. You need to go and buy one now..