In October 2015 the Real Africa Trust held a sell-out fund-raising event at the Royal Geographical Society in London with special guest, Saba Douglas-Hamilton, well-known conservationist, award-winning wildlife filmmaker and star of BBC series, This Wild Life. The Trust raised over £8,500 for Save The Elephants on the night, and with continued support this exceeded £17,500.
This is what Gemma from Save the Elephants sent to us:
“Thank you Real Africa Trust for putting on such a special event. All at Save the Elephants are thrilled with our partnership and hope that it continues to bring great things for Kenya’s tourism industry and the elephants.The money has arrived in STE’s account – thank you. I can’t tell you how much this means to us at STE at a time when elephants are in dire need of support.”
Our evening at the RGS marked the start of a campaign to raise awareness about the work of Save The Elephants and to garner donations for this incredibly worthy cause. Throughout the autumn and winter Real Africa has been exhibiting at travel shows and distributing information about Save The Elephants.
In total The Real Africa Trust/Explorers Against Extinction has donated over $23,000 USD to Save the Elephants.
We were delighted to return to the RGS to support Saba on the final night of her UK speaking tour, A Life with Elephants, on 3rd May 2016. We sold lots of Tshirts in aid of Save the Elephants and it was a big thrill to meet Dr Iain Douglas-Hamilton and attend the celebratory drinks in the Map Room to mark his CBE and 50 years in conservation. Sara then travelled to Kenya later that same month and visited Saba at Elephant Watch Camp, as well as spending time with the STE team at the research centre nearby and seeing eactly where the money raised will go. She was particularly taken with Dr Lucy King’s Elephant & Bees project which helps to protect community land and crops while also protecting elephants. You can find out more about this innovative project here. All our clients visiting Samburu and staying at Elephant Watch are invited to visit the research centre which provides a fascinating insight into elephant behaviour.
More about Save The Elephants and their work
Save The Elephants was founded by Dr.Iain Douglas-Hamilton, CBE, one of the foremost authorities on African elephants.
Their mission: to secure a future for elephants and to sustain the beauty and ecological integrity of the places they live; to promote man’s delight in their intelligence and the diversity of their world, and to develop a tolerant relationship between the two species.
STE conduct vital research on elephant behaviour and ecology and have pioneered GPS radio tracking in Africa to provide fresh insight into the life of elephants. Cutting-edge scientific insight is ammunition in the battle against the current surge in ivory poaching. STE’s Elephant Crisis Fund is supporting the most effective global partners to stop poaching, thwart traffickers and end demand for ivory.
Would you like to visit Elephant Watch Camp as a guest of Saba? Click here for details of our safari that takes you to her camp in Samburu.We donate £50 to Save the Elephants for every client who books.
To find out more about Save The Elephants and the work that they do please click here.