On Saturday 7th June you will get the chance to see elephants on Wimbledon Common because it’s the Enormous Elephant Run. OK, OK…….maybe it will actually be people dressed up as elephants but it’s all for an excellent cause!
Elephants Under Threat: Dressing up like an elephant might sound fun, which it will be, but there’s a serious reason behind it too. Every day, (yes, that’s every single day!) nearly 100 elephants are killed for their tusks which threaten the future of all the elephant herds roaming Africa. Many elephants targeted by poachers have milk dependent calves, and without family or a mother, an infant elephant has little chance of survival alone. This is where the Sheldrick Trust step in.
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust: The Enormous Elephant Run is organised by the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust, which works to protect all wildlife and habitats in Kenya. As you know here at Real Africa we support the Sheldrick Trust financially and we sponsor young elephant and rhinos who have been orphaned by poaching in Kenya. A couple of months ago our Marketing Manager Sara went to visit Kithaka our cheeky little elephant to see how he was getting on. You can read all about it on her blog post here. You can also help the Sheldrick Trust directly or by supporting one of their many active campaigns.
Trust Campaigns: Through the iworry campaign, the Trust successfully organised the single largest public demonstration for elephants on Friday October 4th 2013. The International March for Elephants resulted in more than 18,000 people from around the world taking to the streets in support of elephants and to urge world leaders to take measure to stop the poaching, stop the trade and stop the demand for ivory. The Trust is calling for a complete ban on all international and domestic trade in ivory and urging governments around the world to invest more resources into wildlife protection at a field level, to strengthen penalties for those involved in the illicit ivory trade and to heighten security at ports and borders, as well as to invest in educational efforts to stop the demand for ivory.
The Enormous Elephant Run: You can help the Sheldrick Trust in their vital work by either joining the enormous Elephant Run or by sponsoring someone else. By joining the Enormous Elephant Run, you’ll help raise vital funds to protect the iconic African Elephant – as well as having a great time with like-minded people. You will be provided with the elephant suit and a medal – and you even get to keep the elephant suit! In return the Trust are asking everyone to try and raise £200 or more in sponsorship money. This would fund one of their Mobile Vet Units and Anti-Poaching Teams for one day, saving countless animals including elephants. The trust will give you lots of help beforehand, and will be sending runners a Fundraising Guide full of ideas. Wearing your Elephant Suit will probably help you secure donations too if you are brave enough! There are various options you can take part in and you do not have to be an athlete – you can walk or jog the 5K or the 10K!
Time and Location: The race starts at 11.05 on Saturday 7th June 2014 and it starts and finishes outside the Wimbledon Windmill Museum, Windmill Road, Wimbledon Common, London SW19 5NR. Remember though you must register first so please go to the website if you wish to take part in the run. If you don’t want to run you can still go along to watch and support this great event.
Good Luck everyone!
Posted by Ruth