How did you do with our Great April Fool challenge? Throughout the day we posted 7 articles about Africa and its animals. Of them, 3 were true and 4 were…
The discovery last year of a new and thriving colony of chimpanzees in the remote Bili-Uele forest in Northern Congo has proved to offer a unique opportunity for research into…
Getting your children into the right school is a worry for many parents. People move house to get into the right catchment areas, others hire tutors or start attending church.…
Victoria Falls has long been renowned for the adrenalin-fuelled activities on offer. You can leap from the bridge on one of the highest bungee jumps in the world. You can…
They are the fastest creatures on Earth, reaching over 60 mph, but two cheetahs got more than they bargained for when they started killing goats belonging to Kenyan farmer Nur…