You’re a lion. You like meat. In fact you love meat so much that you eat nothing else. Meat for breakfast, meat for supper. Even meat snacks sometimes, washed down by a good drink from the waterhole. But occasionally everybody likes a bit of a change and that’s what seems to have happened in the Kruger National Park earlier this year.
You can self-drive in the Kruger National Park, South Africa. There is an excellent network of roads and the animals are all used to vehicles and don’t take any notice of them. Unless you are a couple of lions looking for an interesting snack. These two males wandered up to a Land Rover full of visitors and proceeded to have a chew on the tyres. Having punctured a couple of them, and had a good stare in the back window (looking for the spare?) they wandered off into the bush. Fortunately a passing vehicle had stopped and assisted, negating the need to either get out and change the tyre or walk for help.