Africa can be a cruel place for the young. This photo was taken in Samburu National Park in Kenya by our guide George Maina while on an afternoon game-drive. It shows a young elephant, only a few years old, being attacked by a pride of lions. If it was with its mother or family it would be perfectly safe, the lions keeping well clear of those sharp tusks and strong legs. By itself it becomes a large and relatively easy meal for a pride of lions working together.
Neither George nor our clients saw how the young elephant became separated, perhaps they’d been startled by something or the youngster had simply got lost while exploring. Unfortunately it was the biggest and last mistake of its young life. For the lions however it made a large meal that would last for several days. When they were finished the Hyenas would move in for their fill and finally the jackals and vultures. In Africa, when a life is lost, many other animals benefit.