George Kanja Gitau, known by everyone as George Masai, has guided for us for many years and is an accomplished birder. He answers a few questions about his personal favourites.
What is your favourite bird?
My favourite bird is the GOLDEN BREASTED STARLING. Because of its Golden- breast which shines when reflected by the sun. You can find it in the semi – arid area e.g. Samburu National Reserve 50 and 1200m above sea level.
In your opinion where are the best places in Kenya for bird watching and why?
In my opinion my best place for bird watching is semi arid area like Samburu National Reserve. There are many colorful birds which are reflected by the heat e.g. Rosy Patched bush – shrike, weaver bird and their hanging nests, BARBET bird e.g. Darnoud’s Barbet which nests in a hole which goes straight down and the snake can’t enter.
Recall your most memorable bird watching moment?
When I was 2 years in safari guiding in Samburu I met a Cobra Snake fighting with a brown Snake Eagle. The eagle won and ate it. 10 years have passed and I have never seen that.
To see a heron trying to eat a snake, click here.