How good is your safari animal trivia? Here are five questions to see whether you are a David Attenborough or a David Brent when it comes to Africa. The answers are at the bottom of the page. Good luck.
In what way are lions unique among the cat family?
A. They live as a group (pride), not alone.
B. Their claws don’t retract.
C. They sleep at night and are active hunting during daylight hours.
What do you call a group of flamingoes?
A. A flock
B. A shock
C. A flamboyance
What new reason has been proposed for why zebras have stripes?
A. They work as a body temperature control.
B. They help deter biting flies.
C. They confuse predators as to which part of a zebra to attack.
The Great Snipe migrates 4,200 miles from Europe to Africa every year. How long does it take to complete the journey?
A. 2 days
B. 2 weeks
C. 2 months
How long can a male hippo stay underwater for?
A. 2 minutes
B. 5 minutes
C. 20 minutes.

1. A
2. C
3. B
4. A
5. A
Your score:
4- 5: Big Cat. Top of the food chain.
3: Hyena. You get all the tasty left-overs.
1-3: Warthog. Everybodies favourite meal!